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array( //数据库配置 'db_host'=>'', //服务器地址 'db_name' => 'tmp', // 数据库名 'db_user' => 'root', // 用户名 'db_pwd' => '', // 密码 'db_encode'=>'utf8',//编码 'db_prefix' => 'dmtx_' // 数据库表前缀 )); */class m{ private $link; //数据库连接 private $table; //表名 private $prefix; //表前缀 private $db_config; //数据库配置 /** * 参数:表名 数据库配置数组 或 数据库配置文件路径 * @param $table * @param string $db_config_arr_path */ function __construct($table, $db_config_arr_path = 'config.php') { if (is_array($db_config_arr_path)) { $this->db_config = $db_config_arr_path; } else { $this->db_config = require($db_config_arr_path); } $this->conn(); $this->table = $this->prefix . $table; } /** * 连接数据库 */ private function conn() { $db_config = $this->db_config; $host = $db_config[db_config][db_host]; $user = $db_config[db_config][db_user]; $pwd = $db_config[db_config][db_pwd]; $db_name = $db_config[db_config][db_name]; $db_encode = $db_config[db_config][db_encode]; $this->prefix = $db_config[db_config][db_prefix]; $this->link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pwd) or die('数据库服务器连接错误:' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db_name) or die('数据库连接错误:' . mysql_error()); mysql_query(set names '$db_encode'); } /** * 数据查询 * 参数:sql条件 查询字段 使用的sql函数名 * @param string $where * @param string $field * @param string $fun * @return array * 返回值:结果集 或 结果(出错返回空字符串) */ public function select($where = '1', $field = *, $fun = '') { $rarr = array(); if (empty($fun)) { $sqlstr = select $field from $this->table where $where; $rt = mysql_query($sqlstr, $this->link); while ($rt && $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($rt)) { array_push($rarr, $arr); } } else { $sqlstr = select $fun($field) as rt from $this->table where $where; $rt = mysql_query($sqlstr, $this->link); if ($rt) { $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($rt); $rarr = $arr['rt']; } else { $rarr = ''; } } return $rarr; } /** * 数据更新 * 参数:sql条件 要更新的数据(字符串 或 关联数组) * @param $where * @param $data * @return bool * 返回值:语句执行成功或失败,执行成功并不意味着对数据库做出了影响 */ public function update($where, $data) { $ddata = ''; if (is_array($data)) { while (list($k, $v) = each($data)) { if (empty($ddata)) { $ddata = $k='$v'; } else { $ddata .= ,$k='$v'; } } } else { $ddata = $data; } $sqlstr = update $this->table set $ddata where $where; return mysql_query($sqlstr); } /** * 数据添加 * 参数:数据(数组 或 关联数组 或 字符串) * @param $data * @return int * 返回值:插入的数据的id 或者 0 */ public function insert($data) { $field = ''; $idata = ''; if (is_array($data) && array_keys($data) != range(0, count($data) - 1)) { //关联数组 while (list($k, $v) = each($data)) { if (empty($field)) { $field = $k; $idata = '$v'; } else { $field .= ,$k; $idata .= ,'$v'; } } $sqlstr = insert into $this->table($field) values ($idata); } else { //非关联数组 或字符串 if (is_array($data)) { while (list($k, $v) = each($data)) { if (empty($idata)) { $idata = '$v'; } else { $idata .= ,'$v'; } } } else { //为字符串 $idata = $data; } $sqlstr = insert into $this->table values ($idata); } if(mysql_query($sqlstr,$this->link)) { return mysql_insert_id($this->link); } return 0; } /** * 数据删除 * 参数:sql条件 * @param $where * @return bool */ public function delete($where) { $sqlstr = delete from $this->table where $where; return mysql_query($sqlstr); } /** * 关闭mysql连接 * @return bool */ public function close() { return mysql_close($this->link); }}//$hj = new m(user);//echo $hj->insert(null,'hj.q@qq.com','cde');//$arr = $hj->select();//print_r($arr);//echo $hj->update(id>3,array(email=>bn@c.cc));
insert(array(null,1@qq.com,xxx));echo $hj->insert(array(email=>12@qq.com,password=>cccc));echo $hj->insert(null,'123@qq.com','cde');//查//查看所有数据$arr = $hj->select();print_r($arr);//查看id大于3且id小于6 的id 和email 字段 的所有数据$arr = $hj->select(id>3 and idselect(1,*,count);echo $rt;// 改$b = $hj->update(id=1,email = '1234@qq.com');echo $b;$b = $hj->update(id>3 and id1234@qq.com));echo $b;// 删$b = $hj->delete(id>3);echo $b;//关闭$hj->close();
http://www.bkjia.com/phpjc/444556.htmlwww.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/phpjc/444556.htmltecharticle自己练练手,写一个一个功能比较简单的mysql数据库操作类 ?php/** * created by jetbrains phpstorm. * user:jae * date: 13-8-13 * time: 下午5:15 * blog:http://bl...


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