

2017/9/19 13:56:36发布125次查看ip:发布人:111

150 degrees temperature under the condition of various long-term delivery of any of the concentration of acid, alkali, salt, strong oxidizing agents and other corrosive media, the shell and the overflow part is made with f46 it has the advantages of a variety of fluorine alloy, fluorine plastic, has strong corrosion resistance, and has high mechanical strength, anti-aging, toxin free advantages. the product has the advantages of high mechanical strength, reasonable design, compact structure, reliable performance, convenient operation and maintenance, smooth flow path, high efficiency and energy saving, and won the national science and technology award". two, use: this series of products totaling more than 20 specifications, flow, lift range. applicable to the petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, pesticide, dye, paint, pickling, metallurgy, papermaking, electroplating, food and other industries to transport liquids, prevent leakage, is ideal equipment for the construction of the modern civilized factory. three, seal: the pump adopts the most advanced exterior type ptfe bellows mechanical seal, with multiple layers of protection, prolong the service life of mechanical seal, the particle transport medium containing impurities, can be equipped with cooling water without a single face hard to hard (sic on silicon carbide mechanical seal), so when a user selection need taking into account the solid content of the medium. four. design features: fsb and fsb-d centrifugal pumps. the overflow parts are all made of fluorine plastic alloy. the structure is compact, the operation is simple and the price is low. two types of pump housing, impeller, machine seal and so on, can be used interchangeably, and therefore welcomed by the vast numbers of users.
imd氟塑料磁力泵 一、概述: imd泵属大功率高扬程氟塑料磁力驱动泵,泵的外型及安装尺寸均按iso国际标准设计制造,所有规格均为电机直联式,由中间支架支撑,结构紧凑,拆卸方便,主要部件采用钢衬f46,泵体强度高,采用高性能磁性材料“钕铁硼”做内外磁体,隔离套采用进口非金属材料制成,大大降低了磁涡流损耗,可输送高浓度、密度大于1.9t/m3的强腐蚀性介质。驱动形式为磁力间接无解触驱动,内外磁体间用隔离套完全隔离,使泵腔处于完全封闭状态,从而完全杜绝了滴漏现象,绝不污染使用场地,特别适合于输送强酸强碱性、强氧化性、易燃易爆性、毒性、挥发性介质。imd系列磁力泵卓越的性能、低廉的价格,已在很多项目上成为用户替代价格昂贵、配件供应难的进口磁力泵的第一选择对象。二、优势:该泵最大的优势为可耐高温至130度,可输送比重高 于1.9t/m3的高浓度强腐蚀性介质,超过任意一种耐腐蚀磁力泵的输送介质范围。三、设计特点: imd系列氟塑料磁力驱动泵在cqb磁力泵的设计基础上,进一步加强了对泵体结构的改良,采用后拉式结构,一人便可轻松进行内部日常检修和零件更换,无需拆卸管道,其巧妙的结构原理及稳定的工作性能已达到世界同类产品先进水平。 取消了轴封、利用磁力耦合间接驱动,完全消除了滴漏的烦恼,绝不污染使用场地。由于泵的过流部分选用“氟塑料合金”制造。可连续输送任意浓度的酸、碱、强氧化剂等腐蚀介质而毫不受损。


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