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2017/6/10toefl考试|托福听力机经(考前强化)-  超高命中率托福机经免费下载了,右下角在线老师处免费索取!
托福机经下载     2017/6/10toefl考试|托福听力机经(考前强化)     托福听力机经(考前强化)    托福机经
托福综合口语话题:human behavior
托福综合口语阅读要点:extinction to ignore people repeated behavior. 意思是行为得不到reward就会停止,最后消失
托福综合口语听力要点:妈妈带小孩儿到grocery,小孩儿一看到cookie就大哭不止,妈妈怕丢人妥协买了cookie;以后小孩儿还会这样;妈妈为了让小孩儿停止这种坏习惯,在小孩儿哭得时候,ignore him, allow him crying;以后小孩儿就不这样了。
托福综合口语范文:the lecture talks about a psychological phenomenon that when a specific behavior is ignored without proper rewards, the behavior tends to stop and extinct in the end.
the professor talks about an example. in a grocery, if a mother compromises and buys her child cookies in order to stop his crying, the child tends to do the same thing next time. in order to stop the bad habit, next time when the child cries in the grocery, the mother should ignore him and leave him crying. when the child realizes that cry does not help, he will not do it next time. (102 words)
例子2:广告重复多变产品名称之后再反问人们产品名称,人们就记住了托福综合口语范文:the reading passage introduces a term called “generation effect”, which is the phenomenon of customers remembering the name of products when they generate the name by themselves. the lecturer further illustrates this term by using the example of two commercials for a soft drink. the first advertisement repeated several times the name and the characteristics of the soft drink, but in later interview, most of the audience forgot the product name. in contrast, the second commercial did the same thing except that it ended with a question: what is the name of the soft drink? interestingly, nearly all people could name the drink in the interview. therefore, when customers were left with a question in the end, they would recall the product name and bore it in mind.

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