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    四川省美宁实业集团清真食品有限公司:公司成立于2001年 ,是国家民委、财政部、中国人民银行定点的少数民族特需用品生产企业,以生产清真牛羊肉家禽类系列罐头为主。其生产销售的清真系列罐头经中国伊斯兰教协会派员来公司生产现场实地考察,符合清真食品要求,是全国罐头行业中唯一获得中国伊协监制证书的企业。其生产从牛羊屠宰到加工全过程均有专职阿訇指导监督,不含伊斯兰教禁忌成份,能完全满足穆斯林民族食用。产品远销东南亚、中东等三十多个国家和地区。国内市场产销量在全国清真食品中排列第一,深受国内外穆斯林民族喜爱。

Sichuan Meining Industry Group Halal Co.,Ltd was found in 2001 under the auspice of The State's People Committee,The Ministry of Finance and The People's Bank of China as designated enterprise to produce Halal food for Chinese ethnic minorities.The company is mainly involved in fowl food production,such as beef and mutton,the products meet with the islamic requirements that was certified by China Islamic Association after sending an officer to make a field survey,and it is the first one that was granted Halal Certificate by China Islamic Association.An imam is employed to control the whole production chain,so there is no non-halal ingredients, Muslim pepole can have with their mind at easy. It is the biggest halal food producer and supplier in China,and finished goods are exproted to more than 30 countries in Southeast Asia and Middle East,and are well received by Muslim consumers.
联系人: 胡成利 先生 (肉业销售部 经理)
电话: 0825-5895072
传真: 0825-5895071
地址: 四川 遂宁市 创新工业园区明星大道226号
邮编: 629000

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