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Thomas Publishing Company, LLC publishes 24 major buying guides, 29 product news magazines, 2 product information exchange services, a magazine on factory automation, 3 guides on selecting software, and a publication to help buyers select the most cost efficient transportation modes for their inbound freight. Many of these come in print CD-ROM and Internet formats.

Thomas International Publishing Company, Inc., a Thomas Publishing Company, LLC subsidiary, has successfully extended the concepts of buying guides and all-product-news publications to major markets around the world. Find out more at the Thomas International Publishing Company, Inc., http://www.tipco.com/.
联系人: 欧阳天Thomas 先生 (AM)
电话: 0532-7078101
传真: 0-
地址: 山东 青岛市 青岛
邮编: 266071
网址: http://www.thomaspublishing.com

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