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The company has the top-ranking technological equipments along with the producing environment for marking all kinds of pasteboard and plastic containers for food and drinking. Under the scientific and strict quality controlling system, the company is professionally marking pasteboard cup, bowl, canteen, pouring plastic products, sucking plastic products, plastic bags etc., and also accepts special machining business according to customer's requirement. All of our products measure up to the national or calling standard very well.

The company always adheres to the rules of "keep improving, sincere managing", consider customers to be the first and doing all the works to satisfy the customer. From the beginning to the end, we always provide our best service to our customers, and many of them have kindly given their help, support, encourage to us.
联系人: 丁忠海 先生 (销售部 经理)
电话: 0533-7480058,15864039351
传真: 0533-7480128
地址: 山东 淄博市 临淄区金岭镇金岭南路1905号
邮编: 255410
网址: http://www.bafangyuan.com

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