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    丹麦BHE A/S是一家面向德国,美国市场,从事电子产品生产,电子产品加工服务,机构件生产以及建材等工业型材生产的国际性企业.
BHE A/S is one of Denmar leading suppliers of Printed Circuit Boards and EMS - Electronic Manufacturing Services.

BHE was established in 1984 and is today a modern, innovative and highly technological company with sales, administration and production in Denmark and a sales office in Germany. Furthermore we have our own competence centre in China, from where all activities with our Chinese production and other collaborators are coordinated.

Since the start we have been in close cooperation with our customers and together we have developed this company, which today employs more than 100 people and supplies some of the world most well reputed companies. Companies that we are very proud of having on our list of references. The products we make for our customers can therefore be found in countless industry sectors worldwide.

Whether the products are produced in Denmark or China we attach great importance to the fact that production takes place with consideration of both the work environment and the environment. In consequence hereof we are member of Green Network.

BHE has the necessary certifications and qualifications that enable us to deliver products to a wide range of line of businesses, among these to environments with danger of explosion and the car industry.

Welcome to BHE.

联系人: Tony(徐中强) 先生 (产品零件事业部机构工程师)
电话: 020-32290077
传真: 020-32290079
地址: 广东 广州市萝岗区 科学城科学大道111号

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