
美国Tom's of Maine 成人美白牙膏薄荷味155g

2018/10/26 10:50:22发布124次查看
'【规  格】155g【产   地】美国采购
不含氟配方, 孕妇儿童用安全放心!!
here are the things that tom\'s of maine does not put in their products:下面的成分,tom\'s of maine是没有加入在其产品中的:
animal ingredients动物成分
tom\'s of maine\'s support of non-animal-testing models also includes the belief that they don’t need to use animal ingredients to create effective products. just one example: glycerin, used in toothpastes and soaps, is often made from animal ingredients, but theirs is vegetable-based.
tom\'s of maine 支持非动物测试的型式,包括也不采用动物成分在其产品中,举个例子:甘油,在牙膏和香皂中使用,通常是来自于动物成分的,但是他们的产品是素食基础的。
artificial colorants人造染料
because tom\'s does not add artificial colorants, the appearance of our products may vary from batch to batch.
artificial flavorings or scents人造调味或是香味剂
tom\'s of maine does not use any synthetic flavors, colorants, or scents. the customers that tom\'s caters to prefer the fresh, natural taste and smell of herbs, fruits, and flowers (or no scent at all!).
tom\'s of maine不使用任何合成调味剂,染料或是香味剂,tom的客人更喜欢新鲜,天然口味和气味的草本,水果和花朵(或根本没有香味!)
artificial preservatives (edta, formaldehyde, parabens, etc.)人工防腐剂(已二胺四已酸,福尔马林,对羟甲苯酸脂等)
natural preservatives work as well or better than artificial alternatives. for example, they use rosemary to help guard freshness in our soaps.
ethylene glycol乙二醇
ethylene glycol can be found in hair care products and facial/body washes as a fragrance ingredient, a solvent, and as an aid in controlling viscosity. tom\'s of maine uses water and ingredients derived from corn, coconut and palm kernel oils, and sea salt to control consistency in their body washes, and natural fragrances in all of tom\'s products.
乙二醇能在头发护理产品和面部身体清洗产品中作为香味成分,一种溶剂,也为了调节控制黏稠度,tom\'s of maine用水和来自于玉米,可可,棕榈油,海盐来控制他们身体护理产品的中黏稠度,在tom的产品中都是天然的香味。
suggested use 建议使用
brush thoroughly, preferably after each meal but at least twice a day, or as directed by a dentist or physician.
dear friends,
the concept of natural personal care—products made without artificial or animal ingredients or chemicals—is one whose time has come. tom\'s of maine has been at the forefront of this innovative idea since our founding in 1970, and thanks to this early leadership, today we are the number one natural care brand, with nearly 200 employees and 90 oral and body care products found at more than 40,000 retail outlets across the country and world.
亲爱的朋友,天然个人用品的概念-就是产品是没用人工的或是动物,化学成分制成-这样的时代已到来。tom\'s of marine自从1970年成立以来就有这样先进的理念,感谢早期的领导团队,如今我们是第一位的天然护理品牌,有将近200个雇员和90个口腔和身体护理产品,在全国和和世界遍及40,000多个销售点。
tom and kate chappell
cofounders, tom\'s ofmaine


中国 深圳


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